Interlibrary Loan
For items not owned in our SWAN online catalog, we can interlibrary loan (ILL) items for Bloomingdale Public Library cardholders. Patrons may have five pending ILL requests at a time.
WorldCat Discovery
Search the worldwide library catalog for items not owned in our system. Interlibrary loan service (ILL)
Items Available Through ILL
We can place interlibrary loan requests for most items, and requests are made to libraries throughout the United States (not internationally). Please note that the following items may not be loaned by other libraries:
- Console video games
- Textbooks (availability varies by publication date and edition)
- eBooks, downloadable audiobooks, and other downloadable media
- Entire issues of magazines
- Anything released within the last six months (too new)
- Antique or old books (published before the mid-nineteenth century) and some genealogical materials
We're happy to place your requests though, and we'll let you know if an item is unavailable.
Turnaround Time
Turnaround time varies depending upon the lending library and the material requested, but loans can take 2-3 weeks to arrive. Some items will take longer if they're currently checked out or unavailable.
Interlibrary loan is generally provided free of charge. Occasionally, lending libraries charge a fee. In these cases, you can choose to pay the fee or cancel the request. Patrons must approve the fee before the item is borrowed.
Due Dates
Due dates are given by the library that sends the materials. Materials must be returned by the due date given by the lending library regardless of when the material is picked up.
Depending on the loaning library's policies, interlibrary loans may only be renewed once. Renewals must be requested before the item is due.
Overdue Fines
Overdue fines are charged according the fine policy of the Bloomingdale Public Library. However, lost items are billed according to the policy of the lending library.
Interlibrary loan isn't designed to provide materials that patrons need immediately. It also isn't for requests needed for an extended length of time (e.g. an entire academic semester).
Patrons may not repeatedly request the same item or have another family member request it for them through ILL. To request the same item, there is a two week wait time from when you returned the item.